I would really like some advice on how to spice up my love life with my husband. I am always willing to try something different but whenever I ask him what he would like me to do it's always the same old things. Does anyone know anything that I could do with him that he might like?
Best answer:
Answer by shannonsmith666 Why don't you ask him what he likes. Communication is always the best policy when it comes to sex. Be open both of you and don't be afraid of anything.
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good, give, offenders, anyone, reason, Prison
by \\!/_PeacePlusOne
Question by The hippie hater with no name:
Can anyone give me ONE good reason to let sex offenders out of prison?
I have been asking this question for a long time, and I thought I would give it another shot.
We now let sex offenders out of prison on parole, often WAY before their sentence is up. In fact, a judge recently gave a sex offender parole, and didn't even send him to jail!
The question is, is there ONE good reason they should be let out of jail? One I have heard is that we should "give them another chance". But shouldn't we ask the parents of a child who has gotten molested by a repeat offender if they think we should give them another chance?
Isn't ONE child (or woman) molested by a repeat offender too many? Is it worth the extra money associated with arresting these people more than once? Wouldn't our country be a LOT safer if, once you were convicted of a sex offense, you were in jail FOREVER?
Of course, I am not talking about statutory rape, like a 19 year old sleeping with a 16 year old, WITH CONSENT. These should be treated separately.
Best answer:
Answer by lacamarilla128 I can't. I've seen too many sociopaths just slapped on the wrist practically by the American judicial system while the victims and their families aren't even notified when they get out. I don't like it.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Ana: I like to listen to this sex therapist on youtube but she bashes religious people. Why would she do this?
I'm not religious at all but if she wants to expand her viewership and help people in their sex life, I don't think that it helps to put down religious people. They have sex and want to have fulfilling sex lives too. It would be the same thing if i listened to some money counselor or something and he was putting down people who are atheists . I know a lot people have hang ups on sex because of religion but she doesn't have to put down religious people when she gives advice. Most all the time it is irrelevant to what she is saying. Trevor I think you are her in disguise!
Best answer:
Answer by Bored Observer it's easy to be famous when you scandalize the conservative. I think that's the case there.
unprotected, Night, before, mean, this, period, weeks.., Last, spotting
by Corscri Daje Tutti! [Cristiano Corsini]
Question by Jessica:
Had unprotected sex last night and now i am spotting two weeks before my period. What does this mean?
I don't think i am pregnant because its only one day after. And please don't yell and tell me in too young . im seventeen and im just curious cause this is the first time Ive ever spotted after sex. Thank you guyss[: He wasn't rough, and he isn't that big. So i don't think the bleeding it caused from the "rough-ness" of the sex. And im most likely not pregnant because he pullout before cumming.
Best answer:
Answer by Dannie You should take Plan B or Next Choice since you had unprotected sex.
But for your question, one of the possibilities is that you might have tore you vaginal skin a little or rough sex caused you to bleed
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.
the 3 finger Green Olympic Symbol is shared by competitors visitors and the Olympic and Paralympic Family - Join the FUN, "Peace Plus One"!
************************* RECIPE TO SAVE THE WORLD
www.SustainabilitySymbol.com ************************* Start now and share the 3 finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol with those you love and care about. We only have one life-sustaining planet... what are you doing to keep it liveable?
It's really EASY!
Understand that the Sustainability Symbol represents a PERSONAL INTEREST in living a good and prosperous life - a life of balance in 3 dimensions - Society, the Environment and the Economy - or if you like "People, Planet and Profit" ... and share the Sustainability Symbol and its meaning with at least 3 friends..
... that's it! that's all you have to do!
************************* RECIPE FOR "PEACE PLUS ONE"
3.) Peace, Plus One... the 3 finger Sustainability Salute! Cool!
(Now get someone to take a photo of you, and add it to your online photo account... tell us about it and we'll share the link!)
************************* BE A CLIMATE CHANGE AGENT - - - - ---- - - - - - BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE AMBASSADOR
If you would like to learn more, and become a Climate Change Agent (or even be appointed a Climate Change Ambassador for your country!!) check out www.SustainabilitySymbol.com or www.PeacePlusOne.com
Leave the train wreck behind, stop thinking with a negative, disaster mentality...- take control of your life, and spread the good news that WE the People will make the new sustainable world happen. We'll do it by sharing meaningful ideas, we'll do it by cooperating with each other, we'll do it by becoming our own leaders and decision-makers, and following what we know is right for us and for the world.
Participate with the Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, and we'll help you get a better job, live healthier and longer, be respected and admired by everyone around you, and PROFIT BY BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, not the problem.