by Night Heron
Question by Krad:
Do you choose what you are attracted to?
Do you determine what turns you on? There are things that turn me on that I canât help just like there are things that turn me off (no matter how hot the girl is, if she smokes Iâm completely turned off). It is safe to say for us guys, we donât really get to choose what we are attracted to. If we could, we could control our Jr. in our pants and wouldnât have so many awkward situations (weâve all been there with a boner in the pool).
I guess what Iâm getting at is the subject of homosexuality. Iâm a straight Christian male who takes the word of God to heart. I believe homosexuality is a sin and for a long time I thought it was purely a choice. After studying some psychology and seeing some studies on this case, Iâve found there is good evidence for homosexuality coming from both genetic and environmental. Just like a turn on, some guys are attracted to the same sex, even if they donât want to be. But it is their choice to act on it. Just because I see a hot girl doesnât mean I can do what I want to her. In the same sense, some people are born without the ability to consider other peopleâs emotions resulting in them becoming serial killers. In this case, it is their choice to act on their desire to kill.
The evidence Iâve found suggests that homosexuality is a tendency you can be born with, but must be activated in a certain environment (just like schizophrenia). However, just because you are attracted to it, doesnât mean you have to act on it. My real question is what do you take on this from a scholarly standpoint? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Best answer:
Answer by God's Warrior
âIf a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (leviticus 20:13)
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